Pandaskully is now 52 as of tonight. I was lvling her with Krypt's Monk. He provided me with instaques and I just poked at stuff. I have no idea how to play a Monk, but I figure lower level roto, CDs and abilities don't really matter, things dies too quick lol.

He's been playing more StarWars and I wanna get my Panda to 90. So I kinda over shot him by 10 levels just on questing while he was doing other things. Besides running dungeons(only with Krypt) I prefer to quest solo. It's faster for me because I know where to go and what to do. As you can see, Ive done it with 10 toons prior. I haven't tried to quest with him and his Monk, but I'm just speaking from previous experience helping friends quest. I get impatient when people are not on the same page as I am. They go afk for god knows what reason and I'm left there to wait on them...
Um yeah, no!
Skully needs to go go!!!!
She don't wait on nobody!!!
And let me explain the next pic. This toon of his was a female Orc Monk... And I was like , um yeah no! you needs to change that. LOL... so he told me to pick a race and a name and naturally... this is what I came up with...
Skullystoy: Male Panda
What?... Pandaskully needed a cuddle buddy. kidding! didnt really think he would agree to it, but he did and I giggled. BUT he might be changing the name... it's OK I got all the screenshots I need already. Proof that Skully's Toy in WoW did exist even if was only for a short while. <3