I am going back wards in my WoW book readings. I fully finished Tides of War and now I stared rereading The Shattering. And I'm going into Arthas, or Thrall next, cant decide. anywhos, I came to a part I actually cried on. Aerin a female warrior Dwarf was Anduin's Bodyguard while he was visiting in Ironforge. Quakes and aftershocks hit and Aerin ends up dying. and I fuckin cried!, I fuckin cried over an Alliance death. lols! Im sure I did it several more times while I read Tides of War, but the only time that stands out to me was when Rhonin saved Jaina and sacrificed himself. Those two times the same results occurred, I sit there saying "Why are you crying over an Alliance!?!?!... Quit it! You dont cry over Alliance!!!!"
Ahhhh, it was funny at the time. actually still is to me :-P
(no one reads these anyways, so I didn't feel the need to start off with a "Spoiler" warning at the beginning)