Saturday, March 1, 2025

End of Feb update

 Ahhh welll, you know the drill... late as usual.

OK first off, yes, I did buy this long boy. comes in clutch when Truth and I are out pet battling and he needs to buy a new pet for a strat. OR when I'm in a major city and I'm too damn lazy to walk my ass to AH. I love him so much!!!
I didn't buy him right when he came out on the Blizz store tho. It was like the last week it was available that I made my decision to buy. But come on, who thought that I would have actually NOT paid 100 friggen RL bucks for this thing. I knew I would have eventually caved in... best purchase yet. The mail box on him is whatever. would have really wanted a bank. I have a mailbox toy, BUT that does have a CD so alright, this is better. I do have the argent gruntling pet that has a bank but the CD on that is long as well. 

A lot happened since my last post, I went back to MidLife Gamers. Honestly I got tired of the guild recruitments that was being thrown at me by the guildies. In the last month I did run a bunch of stuff with them. 

Keys mostly and they did carry me to 2k. So my 2k season streak still lives on. Season 4 of Shadowlands is when I got my first and I've not missed one since. When I left them and slowed down my playing I did come to terms with not getting it. I mean maybe the fact that the mount reward for it was meh to me. I think the Diamond Mechsuit ugly, I'm not riding in it!
February Love is in the Air event came and went and nothing new I saw was spectacular. I got my love rocket and dragon skin already and ended up getting the new Love Sweeper mount to drop for me. I think it was close to the end of the event when it dropped, BUT I was OK with not getting it as I JUST finished buying the different color model off the trading post! Same damn thing, just different color, UGH! but whatever, I'm not interested in buying the other colors from the Blizz store, oh shit wait! that purchase also comes with 600 trading post tender, greaaaaat I might have to buy it...crap! 
Oh, but speaking of the Blizz store they do have Sky Witch Pack. yeah same model as the pink and purple version mog and fox mount. Who the frick am I kidding, I needs it ALL!!!
Ohhh and the Kalimdor Cup is back, I think I still needed to buy some mog I missed from the last time the event was here. I need to go check that out. 
For March, I'm hoping for the Trial of Style to have new mogs come out. I bought all the ones from prior contests and I won't lie. I've had a couple guildies go in there with me they knew I wanted the tokens for it so what did they do... yup ensured I snagged first place and voted for me. lol fuckin cheaters I tell ya.
Aside from Season 2 starting and the new raid coming out, I'm not sure if anything else is happening in March. Whoa whoa, those 2 things are a big deal, why am I sounding so bleh about it. Well first off, I don't PLAN on raiding. 
Yeah I know, I say that shit now, but that's how I feel as of this moment. Too much commitment, to gear and push to be a better player etc. Not interested in hearing the complaining/frustration that come from guildies during raid. I heard it towards the end of last season and frankly it was getting old real fast. Puts a crappy taste in my mouth and I didn't feel like listening to it anymore. 
Just made it not fun so I took myself out of the situation. Truth is trying his best to change things and attitudes but he can only do so much. 
But I digress. Oh yeah and I need more fishheads from the Darkmoon faire so I might do that on Sunday.

I am currently without a second level 80 toon as you can see by this unachieved achievement here, /sadness... My closest toon is I believe 74 or close to it, but no second 80, and I didn't even know that you get additional exp when you level other toons after the 2nd one. noob.

Like I said earlier Truth and I are going around pet battling almost every day for the stones, not so much the pet charms but we'll get those sometimes too, and he helps me collect more pets along the way if I don't have them. I'm still working on the 1600 pet achieve. I'm so far away, but I have it in my sights.

And lastly...
4 other guildies and I went to get the Hivemind mount. 5 people that went to get it are the only ones that can ride in it. yes IN. your 4 friends jump into the brain... the HIVEMIND if you will. and I think you get a speed boost the more people that ride. It was a pretty neat secret mount to get.

And the last picture below I don't remember if I posted it anywhere. was my favorite pic from the new years...