Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bye Panda remix... Hello new expac

Started 8/20/24
I don't know how I feel about the huge fact that I didn't play much of MoP remix. 

MoP was one of my favorite expansions, I usually choose that timeline to level my alts, BUT... I was really not in the mood (yes 95% of the time Remix was active) to play it. I've Never, and I mean NEVER was one to get power levelled. So when it was offered to Truth and I we took it and something after that made me not want to play it again. I know, we didn't have to get power levelled, We're fuckin adults and it was completely our choice, but a retail guildie wanted to and it seemed too easy. Turns out it wasn't... the "levelling boost" only was until level 25 then we had to go the rest of the way. Well that was crap. I know I don't like getting fully carried and this was just a prime example why I don't like it. I HATE contributing nothing to a run. I hate seeing myself at the bottom of any meters, even below the damn healer. Being a caster getting carried, everything died so quick I hit jack shit. But really everyone besides the one doing the carrying, was in there for the same reason, for power levelling carries. Then when Truth and I were told to go level the rest of the way or some shit, I said Fuuuuck that and pretty much never played remix again. I've posted about my MoP mounts, and I think I wrote that I got all of the ones that I was farming years for in retail but NOT all of the new remix ones. Getting ALL the different mounts were such a huge appeal to me before Remix launched, but then I came to terms with the fact that I was not ever gonna get them. Even after the whole levelling fiasco, I was planning on going back in there and farming for Bronze and finishing my collecting... that never happened. And when I lost my interest in playing Remix.


Alright... so yeah, Panda remix was a bust.

moving on to new stuff!!! YAY!
The War Within is here!!!!!
Soo I did take longer then usual levelling then prior expansions I believe. I'm sure I wrote about it but, I'm NOT going back to old entries to find out for sure... 2 days. Well lets see, the early access launch was 3pm on the 22nd and I hit 80 on the 24th. Not making excuses (I kinda am) I really wasn't too focused on levelling as quick as possible, and I worked Thursday and Friday.  Like every expac, so much to do and I'm usually not the type of person who will look everything up prior to new content going live. So I'm taking the time to learn everything as it happens, this being how my talents work, how professions work, Delves, zone events and just the general quests.
Everything is new and you'd think I'd be super excited to play, but I really haven't been. Hearing everyone in guild complain about bugs and nerfs to their classes really takes the fun out of stuff for me. I have a difficult time tuning things out and I can't just not read guild chat. I know I know, just close out the gchat tab, but like I said... it's easier said then done with me, especially since I'm in an officer position, and even though the issues and drama does not stem from the people in my guild and they're directed at Blizzard, it's drama nonetheless that I can't fix. 

Alright, let's turn this drab ass blog around shall we.
Fun stuff... I've never really levelled my main toon with someone else, and I usually prefer to do it solo, but Truth needed to level his Priest, so I "allowed" him to tag along. He needs so much help, ya know. I'm kidding, he helps me out a lot, especially since he did it all on his Demon Hunter, he knew where to go and stuff so it definitely made it faster. I think I was gonna be looking at a 4 day level 80 trek, but he cut that in half for me. Prolly cuz I would have been too busy taking screenies of the new stuff. Running with someone else puts pressure on me to not fuck around and get sidetracked like I always do.
OK so Truth just happened to go back to Dragon Isles and the last thing he needed for Taivan was up. YAY!

I'm not the biggest fan of dynamic flight and so I usually like to just go with normal flying, well in order to have the switching option and go back to normal flight, you need to complete the Pathfinder achievement. I was super cranky that I didn't get it quick and it wasn't until 4 days after I apparently got this achievement that I noticed I had it. the only reason why I knew I even had it was that I went to check what the requirements were and turns out it was friggen there already. WTF!!! how did I not even see this pop. I didn't look at it to begin with to see what I needed to do. thankfully, I love questing and I try to complete them all. Turns out, all it was was finishing quest lines. YAY normal flight!!!!

A fun in-game feature they added that I'm getting a kick out of is the Arachnophobia mode. This thing makes me smile so much. The spiders and some Nerubians turn into Makrura clackers and crabs. This is so hilarious to me. I changed it to see what it looks like, but then I never changed it back. mainly because I forgot to, but also I love seeing everything as crabs. I don't have a problem with spiders or anything but it's just funny. My spider pets and mounts are CRABS!!!!
Now that I've said all that, I realized it might have all sounded insensitive to the people that actually suffer from arachnophobia. I'm completely not taking away from that actual condition.... 

what am I talking about. this is MY blog... spiders are welcome!!! arachnophobia people suck it!. well fuuuuck. now I'm gonna have nightmares about spiders aren't I... geez.

Alright I'm about done with this one...
Last thing... for now because I can't remember everything I wanted to talk about....
Dalaran sewer turtle pet you can get in Dornogal. a little collecting chain you need to do to get it, but when you do it's super cute. 4 little turtles with scarves in colors of the Ninja Turtles around their necks. When you get the pet and you summon it, the scarves' color change. but it is at random so if you want a specific color, you need to re-summon the pet. Personally I love Michelangelo, so I re-summon it until I get the orange.  But I noticed Leo's blue color comes out the most. Ah well, I like Leo too.

Alrightee.... that's it for me
OK... Ok bye!