Thursday, April 25, 2024

End of April update

 Not quite the end of April but figured I'd get one out now cuz yeah, I'ma forget later. Gonna start with the good stuff of course then kinda drift off into the not so good stuff.

FIRST! Yeah! I got the Rasz skin. Long have I been farming this weekly, well since season 1, and a few weeks ago a guildie gave me his drop. I always make it known that I was trying for this for a long time and at the end of our Vault of the Incarnates practice run, a guildie whispers me saying that I'd get more out of this mount then he would. I was sooooo happy I was speechless a little while after and sooo greatful. YAY!!!!!

My next mount I was given was Midnight from Karazhan. Quantum Corsair drop from Rise. Shifty doesn't care about mounts so he gave it to me, but when I opened it and he saw what it was, LOL he was like wtf! that mount is so cool. I'm sure he regretted his decision to give it to me BUT! too late!
Actually I'm pretty positive if he opened it, it would have been something else cuz he doesn't have a lot of mounts so the available options for him is a whole lot more than mine. I really should go and farm this on Heroic just for a chance for the quantum mount drop. 

This month saw the Noblegarden event. So I'm really not too sure when they added a bunch of the mog, pets and toys, but I was missing like all of them. I only had 2 of the bunny ears, no pets, and none of the transmogs. The duck holiday boss was new I'm pretty sure. It dropped a carpet mount after turning in the daily kill quest and you get it out of the basket reward. I believe I got this to drop for me a couple days shy of the end of this event. I was getting so discouraged, mainly cuz I was not running this on my alts until a few days before that. So I was kicking myself for not taking advantage of that part. I was seeing this drop for everyone so I thought it was a sure bet, I'd just get it on my main. It actually dropped for Babyskully. Thank goodness! cuz I was gonna be super sad panda. At the end of the event, I got all the items! So happy panda I was.
This month's Trading post was not great in my opinion. I mean the Shark hat YES! I needed that as soon as I saw it. It's hilarious, I love it! But the rest was super meh. I bought 3 things only. The shark hat, turtle mount, and the purple sarong. I'm not a huge fan of the shoulder wraps. I don't know why. I think the fact that it does not sit flush on my undead shoulders has a lot to do with it. I wanna like it, but I just don't so I don't waste my tender on these garbage shoulders. j/k it's not garbage, its just junk. ;-P  
I already had the pirate ship from before, and I'm not a huge fan of the spring and pirate outfits. At the end of my purchases I've managed to hold onto 250 tender that I'll take to next month.
I did a craft and I was Bro the other day! made me laugh. I love these.
Alright so along with this being a fun April full of new things I got, achievements completed, and Season 4 coming out It also kinda ended with a slight reality check for me. When someone points out that I might be doing things because I like the attention really slapped me in the face. Not in a bad way really, it was just an eye opener. Like, I never play this game for attention let's just get that out there right now. I'm nice to everyone and might use too much /hug /love emotes.  It made me think, because although I might not be doing it intentionally, am I doing it for the attention subconsciously? if there's some part of me that is, I fuckin hate it and I'm gonna try to put a stop to that real quick. In the past, putting myself in my antisocial hole is really easy, I have no issues doing it. I cut everything off until I feel better. Because I play with other people now, do I really have that in me to do that again? I don't think I can completely cut off being social, but I can at least dial it back. Lay low and mind my own business. It just sparked my depression again and made me realize I need to focus on me and if that means cutting back on WoW for a bit, then I will. At least the social aspect of it. Just to prove to myself that I play this game for me and not because I crave the attention. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

YAY!!!!! Taivan!

Taivan!!!! you are mine now!!!! YAY!!!!!!
My Dragonflight grind for him is now done. I had huge help with some of these, and I know I would have gotten it done on my own, but the help made it so much faster. Truth and Potato keeping an eye on the Elemental Storms for me when I wasn't ingame was huge. I was sitting on the very last Thaldraszus Firestorm for about 2 days, waiting patiently(kinda) as I seen the same storms cycle over and over with no Fire in sight. And FINALLY last week Wednesday the right storm blew in. And I booked it there so fast, well I did run out of Dragon juice, but Invincible carried me the rest of the way up to Tyr Hold. Joined a farming group and started my slaughter. 
I was sooo happy and excited to ride on my new puppy. Like I mentioned in the previous post, I do know he is smaller then intended, so I wasn't surprised to see him the same size as any other normal mount.
BUT! It's only temporary, and I'm ok with that. Just means I have to make sure I take care of him and feed him so he can grow big and strong. Right now, he's just a puppy. I have to keep taking him out and feeding him all my enemies that I kill.
Well now, what shall I work on next?
I came across this one unintentionally. I was looking for cool mounts and found Zovaal's Soul Eater. Where the F does this come from?!?!?! by the looks of it, it must be from Shadowlands.
Ahhhh Fuck My Life! another meta achievement?!??!
You know what, I really wouldn't mind it if I had more progress on this. But I have so much more to do. /cry. I will not be getting this one as fast as I did Taivan. I'm gonna shoot for completion before the next Expansion lol. I did notice I have a hard time trying to get multiple achievements at the same time. I pick one, do it and then move onto the next. Completely not productive in my progress, but oh wells. That's how I roll. 
I've been trying to work on Torghast stuff right now, I just finished the Flawless 16 achieve and unlocking all the tree things from the little box. I'm still not done in there tho.
However! with the season 4 just coming out today this might be put off for a lot longer then I planned. But on the other hand, I've been really just wanting to play by myself lately. Not feeling like playing with people. In another of my moods again I guess but oh wells. I'm sure my happy face will be put on again and I'll be fine.
Alright, now to end this, here are two other mounts I got along with Taivan. A pink Salamanther! so cute! his head looks an axolotl and being pink he more so looks like one then the other colors, I've always wanted one in RL! Now I have one ingame YAY!!
And the other is a Bruffalon, I got from doing all the Elemental Storms. He is the size Taivan should be. He's huge! his /mountspecial is super cute. He jumps up a couple times and bucks like he's super happy. I'll just pretend he's happy because he now belongs to MEEEEEEE!!!!!
Alrightee I'm done...
ok... ok bye!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Taivan... Soon my Good Boy, you will be mine!

I am Sooooooooooo close to getting Taivan!
Literally one more achievement. Sadly, this last achievement I need is all RNG. 
The Elemental Storms that spawn do not have a pattern from what I've read, and seen actually. There are 4 storms, and 4 zones to spawn in. They spawn every 3 hours. On occasion they can spawn in 2 places. I've seen a storm spawn back-to-back in the same damn zone. weaksawce! 1/16 chance for it to pop in the last zone I need.

The very first person to tell me about this was Stank. He sent me an ingame link to the achieve but I thought it was so far out of reach for me I never gave it a thought to even push for this. Next person to tell me about it was Truth. He sent me a video on it in Discord, same thing I never watched it, still haven't if I'm being honest, sorry Truth <3 Anyways, just sayin, if I pushed back then I'm sure I would have seen a Firestorm in Thaldraszus from the first mention of the achievement to me until now. For shame!
I don't know why it took someone helping me with collecting my mounts and pets and showing me to light that fire under my ass. 
Prolly because it shows you the ones you have and has empty spaces for the ones you don't have and I need to fill all the slots. 
Potato takes the time to look stuff up for me and tells me "let's go do this". Now mind you I'm usually a solo person when it comes to collecting things and getting my achievements. I don't like the feeling like they're taking the time out of doing stuff for themselves to come and help me. Or when Kreagr buys pets for me with Pet charms. Even if he can buy them with the charms and then sell them for a crap ton on the AH, he chooses to give them to me. I'm very greedy and I yes I want it all, BUT I also am someone who feels really bad about people doing things like this for me.  I never ask for them to, and I've told them not to but they still do and I am very grateful. Kreags has told me he doesn't care about the charms or gold he can get from selling the pets, and he knows I'll get more out of the pets then he will. They know I am a WoW psycho and they want to contribute to my addiction... They are huge enablers, lol. In a good way! <3 And Potato does the same. He has given me so many pets and some are not even duplicates for him. 
Ultimately, I feel guilty a lot of the time because like I said I am someone who plays solo and usually has my time booked with doing dailies or world quests. This Taivan push has got me occupied so much that I haven't been doing my gold, flying and pet battling WQs that I normally do. When people ask to run stuff I know I can say no, but usually I go out of obligation. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy playing with others, but just sayin', it's putting a wedge in my routine antisocial Skully mode of play.
Here is a picture of the first and ONLY Taivan I've seen in the world. 
I talked to this person and he said the forbidden isle and the storms are the ones that took him/her the longest. And they were so nice, they wished me luck.
You will soon be mine Taivan. The Good boy Gentle Giant.

News Update: The size of Taivan has been temporarily nurfed because of bugs. People that have this are upset as the whole appeal was that he was a huge mount and now he just seems like just another normal bakar. Blizz said it's temporary, but we shall see. 

Monday, April 8, 2024

Hearthstone event

I am happy to say I have completed collecting all the Hearthstone Event items and Achievements.
I didn't know there were a lot of issues with this event until a day into it. I knew the spawn wasn't at a set time, or something like it was supposed to be but never worked out that way. So a little after the top of the hour I noticed was the spawn time when I did them. Mind you, I didn't read anything on the event prior, I just knew there was the horse mount when you logged into Hearthstone. So to my delighted surprise, there were other stuff to get. I mean I figured it would be as just like the Diablo event where there's drops from the portal spawning bosses. YES! more shit to add to my collection! happy days!
The first thing I got was the Hearthstone hearth toy which has a super cool animation. you drop the board and it opens up and cards start swirling around you while it channels. nice!
Along with that on the same drop I got the disc mount. Fuck you Tazavesh! I got a disc mount now!!!! just kidding I still want that one. The only reason why I don't farm that is cuz I think you still have to complete the Market first, and it's just too long and annoying. 
I got all the cards for the card collecting achievement yay! It was so nice cuz I sat at a table with a person I didn't know and we started to chat. They got all their cards and I needed a few. They were throwing matches to help me get the win and get all my cards. So nice! I wish I remembered their name.
With the little battle pet Sarge, it took me a while to get. Healsawce got the pet and gave it to me... It's sooo friggen cute! I named it Sawce. And funny enough I ended up getting like 5 of them after. Sadly I could not learn more than one, so I had to toss the rest :-(
Yes because I started this entry the day after the Hearthstone event, I don't friggen remember what all I wanted to write about it, like usual. So I'm super sure I missed a bunch of stuff. 
Till next time. Ok... ok bye!