Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Mid July update

First off, I ended the last post with saying I was gonna talk about some guild drama, however, I'm so glad I sat on it for a long while because I've decided not to post what I vented to myself about in a draft.
The gist: When you choose to join a guild, you are taking every chance of seeing and hearing things you might not agree with. This includes other people's personalities, things they say, things they post, etc. Is it fair to attack the guild with a message accusing the whole guild of something? For some it seems its easier to get the last word in and leave like a little soft crybaby bitch. A couple I really liked turned out to be those types of people. Wrote the message in guild chat, left and put everyone on ignore. Cowards to be honest, but I wasn't going to be spiteful. I did want to apologize that they felt the need to do that and to wish them well, and that's when I found out that I was put on ignore. People like that really should not join guilds. There is so many different people that play this game, if you don't like or agree with something, grow some balls and say something, if not, just leave. The message was a clear, they wanted to bury the guild. Jokes on them, the rest of us are fuckin adults and thought the guy was fricken dandelion that needed to go back to his field of flowers. 
The above was a very abbreviated version of my rant. Really, I will never support other people trying to intentionally offend or hurt someone else. If you're soft and sensitive, that's completely fine... it's the step he took after that infuriated me. Intentionally trying to bury a guild I hold dear was something you can do to get on my shit list real fast. I am one of the sweetest people you will ever meet... But piss me off, I'll admit I can be a real cunt. 
... and apparently, one that does not really stick to the term "abbreviated"... but anyways!!!!
Let's get into the actual update shall we...
Hit 440 IL yesterday!!! Woot! I really need to start farming 16+ keys for aspect crests... I need to upgrade my Hero and crafted gear. Decided to try for 2300 io. Got AOTC several weeks ago YAY!. Trying to work on hitting 27500 achievement points.
My brother Jason bought me Diablo IV... I'm not quite sure why as he plays with his friends and has not offered to level with me. I log on and he does play with his friends and so I'm left by myself, playing a game I have no interest in playing really... the huge upside to that was I got the Amalgam of rage mount in WoW haha. That's the picture above.
last week sometime I was in Valdrakken and I saw a beautiful fish mount. WTF IS THAT?!!??!!? looked up where it came from and it said the ingame store. Sweet, I'll pay 25 bones to get that thing!!!! But to my extremely nice surprise, I just had to accept the gift in the Bnet mailbox and it was MINE!!!!! It's the new 6 month subscription mount reward... fuckin awesome!!!!
Another reward I got was the twitch drop. OK, I've never redeemed one of these... I signed up for twitch before, with the intention of watching wow streams, but I watched a couple for a little bit, and I never really got into them. Maybe it was the people that I watched, and I just never really looked around for someone I would enjoy watching, but I gave up on it fast. But last week I just figured, fuck it, turn it on, put it on mute on my other monitor, get my 4 hours. I really should try to find one that I enjoy watching if I'ma try to get these more. I enjoyed the Team Liquid girl Adeen (I think that's how you spell her name) She wasn't interested in showing her cleavage for views, or wearing a trendy trucker hat, or fixing her hair every 10 seconds. She tanked the shit I was watching and I enjoyed that. And she gave us a fish fact when she got a sub... super fuckin adorable. I'd watch her again the next time a twitch drop rolls around. I'm not quite up to watching twitch just yet. the toy drop this time was a picnic basket with a little hibachi grill. 
So last thing for now... 
I reinstalled steam and started to play Valheim again. I missed that game! I just like building stuff. All my forts and all my tree houses.
Alright, thats about it for now.
ok... ok Bye!

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Random stuff

OK so normally how my process goes is I upload screenshots before I write these, but I have yet to get any... 
I knew I wanted to update on stuff but wasn't sure what. It will come to me as I write this, then I'll get on and take them...
July/Aug traders post video is out and it brings a bunch of mounts. Aaaand of course one being Tyrael's Charger... kinda funny, cuz people drove themselves nuts trying to farm those Goblins only to come up empty. well now they can get it. If I didn't already have it, I'm not too sure how I'd feel about it. Like would I be pissed that I farmed the goblin spawns so hard and not get it, only to find out that a month or so later they're adding it to the trader's post? I really don't know how I'd feel about it, but I'm sure for most that really wanted it, they're happy. I'm still cranky can you tell... bah humbug!!!

Still not playing as much as before, just been super tired as of late, and my bed is my best friend right now. I wish I could say I've been sleeping a lot, but that's not the case. I've just been laying in bed, watching TV or playing Animal Crossing on the Switch. I go back to work 2 weeks and just trying to be as lazy as possible before I have to actually be a productive member of society I guess.
Ewww... Let's get out of RL shall we... that shit depresses me too much...

Alright! so I'm still doing a good job keeping up with the Screenshot-a-Day blog up. I know for a good while I was putting up more then just one a day, but like I said before, the motivation isn't as it was like before. And although I'm not literally getting a screenie a day ingame, I'm pre posting them and just having them set to post each day. It's junk when I do it this way because I used to go back and look at them and see when I did something in particular. When I remember to do it for those reasons, I'll go and specifically post them that day or the following day. I try to do those for mounts and pets mainly. The achievements I can go back ingame and see when I got it, but the mounts and pets, doesn't have dates... poops!

I'm gonna dabble into making another "WoW Adventures" story. Last week I was on Alexstrasza Deadskully and got a bunch of screenies of something that made me laugh then I thought I could make a cute story with. We'll see how that goes... maybe I'll try to work on that tomorrow. Ohh here, I'll add a pic... Even after the Soup event, I was stuck holding this meat. It still had the timer buff on it and I even mounted up and was still holding it. This was funny to me. So I just ran around with it taking screenshots. Perfect! Story time! Hopefully I still have my creative bug in me and my imagination hasn't gone to shit, like I think it has... 

I'm still raiding with the guild and still getting major headaches during and after. But I am trying to get as much time with the guild as possible before RL takes a hatchet to it. I'm not going to fully blame it on my headphones because I still get them even when I'm not playing. I'm sure I'm dying but I'm too stubborn to go to the doctors... If I die, then I die. Not a big deal... Aye shit, stop talking about RL please and thank you :-P

OK, I'll get screenshots for this entry tomorrow then post it...
ok... ok bye!
above written 6/29/23

I completely forgot to come back to post this. Forget everything I said about not playing so much LOL...
the past couple days, I've been playing all day. If not on my main, then I'm on my alt. 
I didn't go to write the wow story. But I did want to touch on some WoW drama that came up and I didn't wanna bypass this post first.