Sunday, June 28, 2020

Character changes

Alright 3 changes I made.
First.... I bought Shadowlands and used my boost. Not a surprise, I used it on my rogue. Was a good use because like I said on my previous post I hate playing this class. However, as I'm going along and upgrading gear and killing stuff she kills stuff pretty good. Still not familiar with all the abilities and such but things die quick and that's all I really care about.

Next the change I made to my Vulpera Vulskully. There wasn't reason to change it I just wanted to waste $10 I guess. Nah Vulskully just didn't sit good with me anymore so I changed it. Foxyskully is better in my opinion. Oh yeah and I got her to 120!!! yeah baby!!!

And finally... this one I knew I was gonna change eventually and just decided to do it now. It was weird because besides Deadskully, I've never really put my alts in a guild. So I'm used to people calling me Skully. So when people are calling me Luna, it kind throws me off. I'm sure even when I log back onto this toon the guild will still call me Luna /sigh. Oh yeah, and I got this one to 120 also! This makes 16!!!! I wasn't super focused on the levelling to be honest. After I went 60 to 80 in 1 day, I just did at least 10 levels a day after that. Doing WQs and Emissary quests for gear on alts was mixed in there. I'm suuuper pooped on levelling alts for now. I think that's enough locks though... nah there's NEVER too much locks!!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

2 year Toons

Alright so as I was looking through screenshots I came across a character screen I took back in Legion.
Although I always say I loved all the expacs, because hello??!?! it's WoW... but Legion was probably the one I liked the least. Maybe other things factored into my reasonings I know RL got a little but full at the time so time playing wasn't like it used to be. I left the game around the middle of Legion and didn't come back until after Battle for Azeroth came out. Which I know I've said it before but I was always part of an expansion launch and BfA was the first I was not. 
Anywhos... With not playing current Legion till the end it was also the first time I did not level all my toons to max by the end of the expac. Of course Deadskully will always hit max first... I wanna say within the first 2 days of an expac release, but with not coming into BfA at launch I think I took my sweet ass time getting her to max. Usually I rush to max then go back with the alts and soak up all the quests' stories and really take it easy... well that's how normally did it. :-)
Sadly I also haven't been focusing on maxing out all the professions either. Legion is the first I don't have all maxed professions. Since having professions being completed by doing dungeons and raids and shit kinda killed it for me I guess... I'm generally a solo player and this doesn't work for me at all. I don't take my alts in current dungeons or raids so I'm screwed so I kinda gave up on them.
But now from previous entries I kind of have been keeping up on my "Alt Maxing" progress.
Now to the two pics up top...
First one was taken on 9/7/2018. Only maxed toon when I ended playing Legion was Deadskully. Half of them still sat in their Garrison back in Warlords of Draenor. I didn't start levelling them till this expac... Sad, they missed a whole expansion. On the plus side, when I did start to level them with majority of the players being in current content, I didn't have to fight with anyone for kills... well for the most part.
and the second pic was taken today 6/4/2020. I know I started a Demon Hunter in Legion but as far as even levelling her, I really don't think I touched her. I cant remember and dammit I can't find another shot of the rest of that toon screen. I really don't think I did tho. Anywhose, so the current screen I arranged the toon list to reflect the positions of the previous shot and just scrolled down to take a shot with my DH in there too. Super colorful and YES! I do not have a Rogue, for personal reasons.. kidding I just could never get used to playing one. I have one now as I will show in a future post. But you know what, come to think of it, my first toon I ever made was a rogue. I'm not sure what I named her but I know I deleted her shortly after. An ex got me to start playing and I remember I wasn't really getting into it... Then he said try a caster class and I chose a warlock.. and the rest is history. Oh the stroll down memory lane. 
Yeah so to end this entry....
2 years toon list... coming towards the end of BfA and heading into Shadowlands I WILL get that Priest to 120. Might take all the way up until the launch of SL, but it will happen.
Also just to note. I currently have 12 120's the 12th is my Alliance on Lothar. :-)

I guess I'll level my priest and Warrior

just FYI this entry was started on 4/4/20 Thats how bad I've been slacking.

Alright so here's the deal with these two... First off during the whole level 100 to 110+, my Priest was always priority... Then after I finally got her to Zandalar I lost interest in levelling her. So I jumped on my Warrior and kept playing her over the priest. Now as you can tell from the dates it's been exactly 2 months since I started this and I never continuously played either of them. Like usual they sat... and sat... and sat.  I started another post for the low level alts I have going, but just like this entry, the screenshots are outdated but I'm not gonna take more, I'll just explain it in the entry.
Anywhos about a week ago I got on my warrior, did a couple quests with her, had fun playing her so I made the decision to level her forreals.  Long ass story short, I hit 120 yesterday, and went straight to do her quests to get her Concentrated flame for her Heart of Azeroth so I can take her to ICC and heal that damn dragon. I ran her in ICC for the first time today. Oh yeah I also took her to Black Temple and friggen got that damn Bulwark I was trying to get for so long. oh yeah AND I also got one damn Warglaive of Azzinoth... and was like why didn't I get the credit for it on my achievements... then read it, I need a damn SET! ugh I got the shield I was going in there for and I really don't wanna have to go in there again. maybe if I get bored
So my focus for these two is simple.. Warrior needs to get her 420 gear and Priest need to get her ass to 120. Got on it!
Oh yes and I almost forgot to say this...
Warrior to 120!... that makes 12!!!!