Friday, August 15, 2014

Low Tolerance for the annoying

Minor rant session:
I'm finding more and more I'm getting easily annoyed with stupid people in game. Maybe not stupid people, just people in general. I know this is a social game but I enjoy playing by myself. Very few on my friends list I get excited to talk to or play with. Because they have boundaries maybe? It's just WoW talk when conversation does happen.
I've never been kicked from a guild, until sometime last week. I left many, and I've always contributed more then my share to anything from guild runs, to donating to the guild banks. I usually help guilds level and then I take my leave. I never ninja guild banks, I never disrespect anyone in the guild, I never troll trade and give the guild a bad name. Getting booted from a guild annoyed the shit out of me! Why did I get kicked, because I added the GM to FB and didn't respond to his PM in a timely manner? come the fuck on! seriously? I've calmed down since then, but still that dinged my perfect "no guild boot" streak. Dammit! About a day before I was booted however, I was planning on leaving. I very generously donate to the guild bank for the guild members, and for the GM to buy bank tabs for the guild, NOT for the GM to take out gold for personal use. But then again maybe I don't know the whole story. Maybe gold was used to buy mats, food, pots for the members? yeah, that's very unlikely. since you DON'T use GB gold for that!!! members make the shit and deposit it. gold is used for repairs, and pots and food mats when they start raiding. That annoyed me and trust me as much as I'm aware of my RL money I'm always aware of what happens to in game gold. Yes it was no longer mine once it got deposited, but that's not the point. But w/e it's done and over with.
So my plans for the new guild. Low level guild. I will help lvl this guild and stay in it for the perks. I will not be social, I will not donate to the GB, I will not help level guild members, I will just log on, do my dailies, run my dungeons and shut my mouth. Shit I don't even know the name of the guild I'm in now. That's how much I don't give a crap anymore.
I know there's more I wanna add but can't think of anything more right now.