Monday, February 24, 2014

No Rocket for Skully... AGAIN!!!!

I am so bummed right now.
Love is in the Air Valentines event just finished at 10am and I didn't get the pink rocket. There's not much to say in this post besides that. I will link my previous Pink Rocket post so I can get out the gist of what I went through without typing everything again.
I even went as far as to CAPS CRY in my bank guild chat to Blizz.

I didn't actually cry like I imagined myself doing. Tears rolling down my cheeks in a pitiful display of the desperation I had for getting this rocket. haha
I was so sure I was gonna get it this year. Everyone I play with gave me good vibes and assured me I was gonna be gettin' it. I deserve that mount. To be honest, I wanted it more then Ashes.

[following link is the previous post]
Previous "Pink Rocket" post

Saturday, February 22, 2014


I giggle when I see people multiboxing. It's always the same thing. 4 or 5 of the same class toons, same spec, same gear, similar names, etc. And all on follow. I'm not too familiar with the boting multiboxers, but heard there was a multiboxing addon that helps you manage all of them. I heard that from a friend... he might have been trolling me idk.

You know what they're gonna do with them too. Sell them. especially when they have similar names that make no sense. I mean as much as I love all my locks you know this person isn't doing this to have 4 of the same damn class to keep for them selves. I knew this wasn't a boting addon because as I was following to take the screenies they all stopped as if the player knew I was watching him.
But anywhos, that is all just my observation.
I lvld 2 toons at the same time for a bit before. it is hard doing them manually, I didn't have an addon for it, but I managed for a bit until I got bored. I'm pretty sure I did it for the refer a friend mount.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

11th 90... another lock. that makes 3

I have been asked many times, why level another lock.

My answer is extremely simple. I enjoy playing them. I am comfortable playing them... doing things I already know how to do it does make the game fun for me.
Never do I get bored playing a lock. What I need to do however is expand away from only playing Demo. All 3 of my Locks are Undead Demo Locks. I know Destro does better damage And Affliction is great for PvP, but you know what, I've never been one to follow the trend and do something because everyone else was doing it. Wait that's not true... there was a point in my life when I listened to The Backstreet Boys because everyone else around me was listening to it. kidding, I enjoyed them... at one point. Maybe :-P
Anywhos, I started off playing Deadskully as Destro through BC and switched to Affliction in LK and then finally Demo in Cata and never changed it since. The main reason why I haven't changed it... I cant get used to playing the other specs. I tried to do Destro but wouldn't give myself time to get used to it and understanding the spells all over again etc. After Babyskully (Hyjal) hit 90, I told myself I was gonna stay Demo until I get gear for her... but of course never got around to doing anything with Destro again. I probably will attempt to do it again, but for now I'm gonna stick with what I know and what I'm used to. If I ever try to dabble in PvP again I want to try to do Affliction. But that is something I will not hold my breath for, :-)
Not quite sure what I will do with Babyskully (Alexstrasza), but She is Demo, shocker!, and her gear is rather sad. Of course cuz she is a fresh 90.
You know what, I don't feel too bad... I knew someone with 9 Hunters.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Love is in the Air 2014

 Last year I had 8 toons to run through this Holiday Boss...
Calculation: 8toons X 14days = 112chances

(I had to look back on a post I wrote last year. I didn't count the last day apparently and I thought I had 9 max lvl toons, but only had 8)
Unfortunately I didn't run them all. I got tired of it by like the 5th day or something. I have all DPS toons, but healer and tank classes, so my ques are not instant. I don't really play with anyone so I can't piggyback an instaque. That is probably the part about it that makes me not want to que for them anymore. :-)
I saw someone riding around Org on their pink rocket and was so jelly... I knew they JUST got it because no one just randomly cruises around on that thing if not proud of their drop that they JUST got. I whispered a grats and they responded... yes they did just get it and they ran it the past 3 years. 0.03% drop rate. Such a good pay off and I'm extremely jealous.
I won't give up this year, but I am getting very discouraged
So far I ran it: 8days x 11toons = 88times... 77 more chances left. I'm getting worried

Anywhos enough of my sadness...
the next pic is where you can obviously tell that people are only running their alts. I suuuck balls on my DK but I ended this out with the better damage. :-) I also had a screenshot of my 89 Lock doing better then the 90s in group.
I will cry like a baby if I get this rocket you have no idea.
I should put my web cam on when I open the kidding.

And finally this pic was too cute. I'm not big on VDay, even when I was in a relationship, but yeah, I thought this was too cute. 
<3 Undead

Sunday, February 9, 2014

New Refer a Friend

 OK soooo Krypt and I started Refer-a-friend toons a while ago. He didn't have a Lock and wanted one so we decided to do the refer-a-friend and I wanted to make another Lock. hehe. I am maxed out on toons on Hyjal so he told me to pick what server. Not thinking about the economy, I just picked Alexstrasza. Was a kind of a bad choice as we were broke and I couldn't sell anything for my life. But I was able to mine and herb high enough to make money. We had to stop leveling at 85 because that account does not have Mists so he cant go further without transferring his toon to his main account and to hyjal. I'm sad I have to make the trek to 90 solo, but I've done it before and I can and will do it again. I am currently at 80% into lvl 87 so I'm almost there. this will be my 3rd maxxed Lock. hehe... MOAR!!!!

Next RaF toons we are doing are Alliance Draenei Shamans on Lothar.  I have 10 toons total on Lothar so I do have gold if they need it. I didn't want to run into the same problem as we did on Alexstrasza.
He's going Resto and I WAS gonna go Enhancement because I already have an Elemental Shaman, Hellgurl, BUT I couldn't do it... it was too hard and my pitiful damage was depressing me so I switched back to Ele. I do have another Draenei toon on the same server and for some reason I always make them look the same. Pale, white hair, pigtails. I don't think I care about the horns or the facial features. But that's kinda like all my Bloodelves I make. Pale skin with white hair. hair style and facial features don't matter.

Shut it Alliance scum!!!

OK I'm posting this waaaay past the time this happened and have since calmed down.
LOL j/k I wasn't all that cranky about it in the first place but it just annoyed me.
People like this that just can't keep their comments to themselves. Despite it being Horde or Alliance it still annoys me when people are just trying to play the game and assfaces like this feel the need to chime in with their, in their eyes, witty knowledge.

Take this case for instance. This person Shamaria, Obviously does not know anything about this game. There are guilds out there that just want to have the numbers because it builds the guild bank gold for their actual member's repair bills, purchasing of bank tabs, and if the guild has activities they do or giveaways, etc. You getting the rewards and perks of a lvl 25 guild is of no concern to the rest of the guild. Who cares if you get 10% exp boost, more ore when you mine, mass res, etc. If you weren't there from the beginning to help contribute to getting these reward/perk options its not a big deal... actually, it ain't a deal at ALL.. I'm sure the rest of guild's concern is ONLY if you ninja the guild bank or if you troll gchat, and annoy the shit out of everyone. In those cases, you get bounced from the guild so fast so its not even something to trip over. Like I said, my post was simple. I was looking for the Level 25 guild for the perks. Not to converse and make friends with the rest of the guild, not to have guild bank access and not to be active in whatever the guild does. I wanted the experience boost perk, gathering perk, and vendor cost reduction perk, etc.... plain and damn simple.

I got the guild invite less then a minute after I asked that in trade. I didn't screenshot the rest of my comments to Shamaria. I was nice about it. but clearly annoyed. Mind your own business if you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Rant done.