Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bye Panda remix... Hello new expac

Started 8/20/24
I don't know how I feel about the huge fact that I didn't play much of MoP remix. 

MoP was one of my favorite expansions, I usually choose that timeline to level my alts, BUT... I was really not in the mood (yes 95% of the time Remix was active) to play it. I've Never, and I mean NEVER was one to get power levelled. So when it was offered to Truth and I we took it and something after that made me not want to play it again. I know, we didn't have to get power levelled, We're fuckin adults and it was completely our choice, but a retail guildie wanted to and it seemed too easy. Turns out it wasn't... the "levelling boost" only was until level 25 then we had to go the rest of the way. Well that was crap. I know I don't like getting fully carried and this was just a prime example why I don't like it. I HATE contributing nothing to a run. I hate seeing myself at the bottom of any meters, even below the damn healer. Being a caster getting carried, everything died so quick I hit jack shit. But really everyone besides the one doing the carrying, was in there for the same reason, for power levelling carries. Then when Truth and I were told to go level the rest of the way or some shit, I said Fuuuuck that and pretty much never played remix again. I've posted about my MoP mounts, and I think I wrote that I got all of the ones that I was farming years for in retail but NOT all of the new remix ones. Getting ALL the different mounts were such a huge appeal to me before Remix launched, but then I came to terms with the fact that I was not ever gonna get them. Even after the whole levelling fiasco, I was planning on going back in there and farming for Bronze and finishing my collecting... that never happened. And when I lost my interest in playing Remix.


Alright... so yeah, Panda remix was a bust.

moving on to new stuff!!! YAY!
The War Within is here!!!!!
Soo I did take longer then usual levelling then prior expansions I believe. I'm sure I wrote about it but, I'm NOT going back to old entries to find out for sure... 2 days. Well lets see, the early access launch was 3pm on the 22nd and I hit 80 on the 24th. Not making excuses (I kinda am) I really wasn't too focused on levelling as quick as possible, and I worked Thursday and Friday.  Like every expac, so much to do and I'm usually not the type of person who will look everything up prior to new content going live. So I'm taking the time to learn everything as it happens, this being how my talents work, how professions work, Delves, zone events and just the general quests.
Everything is new and you'd think I'd be super excited to play, but I really haven't been. Hearing everyone in guild complain about bugs and nerfs to their classes really takes the fun out of stuff for me. I have a difficult time tuning things out and I can't just not read guild chat. I know I know, just close out the gchat tab, but like I said... it's easier said then done with me, especially since I'm in an officer position, and even though the issues and drama does not stem from the people in my guild and they're directed at Blizzard, it's drama nonetheless that I can't fix. 

Alright, let's turn this drab ass blog around shall we.
Fun stuff... I've never really levelled my main toon with someone else, and I usually prefer to do it solo, but Truth needed to level his Priest, so I "allowed" him to tag along. He needs so much help, ya know. I'm kidding, he helps me out a lot, especially since he did it all on his Demon Hunter, he knew where to go and stuff so it definitely made it faster. I think I was gonna be looking at a 4 day level 80 trek, but he cut that in half for me. Prolly cuz I would have been too busy taking screenies of the new stuff. Running with someone else puts pressure on me to not fuck around and get sidetracked like I always do.
OK so Truth just happened to go back to Dragon Isles and the last thing he needed for Taivan was up. YAY!

I'm not the biggest fan of dynamic flight and so I usually like to just go with normal flying, well in order to have the switching option and go back to normal flight, you need to complete the Pathfinder achievement. I was super cranky that I didn't get it quick and it wasn't until 4 days after I apparently got this achievement that I noticed I had it. the only reason why I knew I even had it was that I went to check what the requirements were and turns out it was friggen there already. WTF!!! how did I not even see this pop. I didn't look at it to begin with to see what I needed to do. thankfully, I love questing and I try to complete them all. Turns out, all it was was finishing quest lines. YAY normal flight!!!!

A fun in-game feature they added that I'm getting a kick out of is the Arachnophobia mode. This thing makes me smile so much. The spiders and some Nerubians turn into Makrura clackers and crabs. This is so hilarious to me. I changed it to see what it looks like, but then I never changed it back. mainly because I forgot to, but also I love seeing everything as crabs. I don't have a problem with spiders or anything but it's just funny. My spider pets and mounts are CRABS!!!!
Now that I've said all that, I realized it might have all sounded insensitive to the people that actually suffer from arachnophobia. I'm completely not taking away from that actual condition.... 

what am I talking about. this is MY blog... spiders are welcome!!! arachnophobia people suck it!. well fuuuuck. now I'm gonna have nightmares about spiders aren't I... geez.

Alright I'm about done with this one...
Last thing... for now because I can't remember everything I wanted to talk about....
Dalaran sewer turtle pet you can get in Dornogal. a little collecting chain you need to do to get it, but when you do it's super cute. 4 little turtles with scarves in colors of the Ninja Turtles around their necks. When you get the pet and you summon it, the scarves' color change. but it is at random so if you want a specific color, you need to re-summon the pet. Personally I love Michelangelo, so I re-summon it until I get the orange.  But I noticed Leo's blue color comes out the most. Ah well, I like Leo too.

Alrightee.... that's it for me
OK... Ok bye!

Monday, August 5, 2024


Well, this is awkward...
I've been extremely unmotivated to post anything for a while. I have unfinished drafts with pics but I had very little interest to finish them. mucho apologies. Aside from not finishing them, There was a stint of lack of WoW interest as well. Not too sure why. Maybe Season 4 content didn't really grab me and my "collector" interests didn't really satisfy me either. I was pushing for pets and achieves so much towards the end of Season 3 I think I just got super burnt out. I still haven't been looking forward to loggin on to do stuff either. My guild activity or lack thereof, has been really toned down. I'm not taking a bunch of screenshots, I'm not having interest in trying to get the guild to do anything. Granted, a lot of people have slowed down their playing until next expansion. The core are still playing though so that's a good thing.

With that being said, I was carried to my 3K for season 4. 527 item level is most likely the highest I'll go, well 528 in my bag, but I swapped a piece out for stats. 

My boys tried their hardest to get me my 3K despite my kicking and screaming to do anything higher then a 8. They were successful. They kept looking at my raider io and I won't lie, it does feel good to see some numbers. A lot of them really don't mean anything as it is season 4 and most players have been poking around in beta, Panda remix and just stopped altogether... but still I was super proud of myself. As of tonight these were my numbers. 6th on realm for Demo locks and 14th for all locks!. I'll never see these numbers again, sooooo naturally I had to record this shit as a reminder that I did do it once upon a time.
Ok so next thing... My pets!!! I hit 1400 and I completely wasn't keeping track of it. Truth gave me a pet I didn't have and it popped. YAY! and the reward was the secretive frogduck. It's so cute, and looks like he's up to something. I haven't been keeping up with pet battles and my warcraftpets score and I think I got Truth into pet battles. HA!
Now for the next achievement. 1600!!!!
well maaaaaybe I won't grind out for this one. seems too far off to get. ugh! but but but, Violet Violence pet looks really pretty. it's purple! 

Ok and now to end this quick post...
As the last post explained, I have been playing different games which I knew was a bad for my WoW time. If I play a game that I like, I will play it to the fullest and I find it difficult to switch. WoW being that perfect example. I immerse myself into a game fully for a long time. I know I will always come back to WoW but it will take a backseat for an extended period of time. I mean I guess now is the best time for it. Not much going on in WoW right now so might as well right. Cripes! I forgot about the pre-expac event. gosh dang it!
Ugh, take back everything I said, I need to play more wow until I get everything from that!!!
mmkay... little posts are the way to go here. (sure sure sure Skully, you always say that and then disappear for a month)
ok... ok bye!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Where's Skully gone?!?

Getting a couple questions on where I've been lately, I figured it's time to explain. 
I've been spending all my time in Palia. It's a new(ish) Multiplayer online game. I say newish because it's been out for a hot minute now but it's still in beta. It's a cosy game with no combat threat to your character. You build friendships with villagers, forage for materials, build homes on your land plots. Make gold to upgrade items from farming your garden, hunting, mining and fishing, etc. You know, the normal cosy game shit. I've heard it has a Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing feel. I have only played Animal Crossing so I can't comment on the other, but yeah, reminds me of animal crossing, just way better.  

Right now the game is completely free on Steam BUT!!!! There is an ingame store for cosmetics that will be the death of me. So much cute, cool friggen outfits. I will not mention how much of my RL money I have actually spent, but let's just say it's not enough because I want/need more stuff. There's so much detail in these outfits and you can buy them as sets with a 3 for 2 discount or individual outfits that most come with about 3 color variations you can switch out. I love this so much. So let's just say they can make their money from the ingame store rather then charging for this game.

So Skully, you don't like to play/try new games how did you stumble upon this?
Blame Truth. I've been hanging out with him way too much and he's the bad influence.  Totally kidding of course, but he knows what games I like to play and suggested we play it. I'm not disappointed. The term "obsessed" is pretty much accurate right now on my feelings towards it. Go to work, come home, play Palia is my current routine. 

Watching youtube videos of people's builds are so fascinating to me. I wish I had that creativity. My decorations around my plot looks like a hot mess. I know I know, but they have unlocked so much more cool stuff cuz they've been playing longer... but still. And It should be so easy, they give tutorials, but I'm the type of person that I can't sit through a video and copy it exactly, I just wanna see it and duplicate the gist of what they were going for. Something's I'm doing a good job at but other's man... the time it takes to do all of it and place everything so nicely I can't seem to grasp.
But the main thing is Truth and I are having fun playing this game. And I'm pretty sure even when he stops playing this game, I'll still be playing it. 
Right now, WoW is taking a major back seat. I haven't even logged on in a couple days. Just not feeling it. I think a lot of people are. We all just waiting for the expansion to come out, but to be honest, if I'm still as engrossed in Palia then as I am now, I might not even wanna play as much as I used to. Just feels different.
I have 2 blog entry drafts that I have not had the urge to finish. One was about Panda Remix and the other just my usual update. But oh well, maybe I'll get those out, maybe not... we shall see. Again... I'll blame Truth... kidding.
And I'm struggling to keep up with my daily screenshots. I used to have so much and just pre set post them, but unless I go through old screenies, I really won't have much for those. I'm super tempted to change it to Palia screenshot-a-day... HEY! that's not a bad idea!
Well until I fully decide if I wanna do that... Here's some screenshots.
I love this game!
My fishies

Me <3

Truth helped me move my dock to the water

Then he came to fish with me

he asked why is this toilet in the middle of the room,
then used he it... I swear I wasn't looking.

My own plot of land. <3

Monday, May 13, 2024

Mid May Update

So while I was writing the last post, I had a lot more in my head to write about. BUT I didn't wanna add it to an entry that was already put out a month late. Anywhos! 
To the right is a pic of my current plate. 
2K baby!!!! yeah! I'm not gonna push io but if I get more, then I'll be ok with that. I got my Infinite Armoredon so I was happy! He does have a different mount special then the others before, well that I can remember. He scratches the ground first then does his roar thing. Err, now that I think about it, I don't remember doing the mount special for the last two 2k mounts, so it might not be a new animation, derp.
Making it a point to get all my Mythic+ mounts this expansion makes me sad about all the Shadowlands mounts that I missed. They are way cooler then these armoredons and they fly! The only one I got was the purple one from the last season of that expansion. I can't remember how I got it. Did Elo carry me to it? or my previous guild? You know what, let me take a pause here and see if I wrote about it....
Alright, It was Elo and a guildie from my last guild that helped me. I didn't mention the guildie's name but I think I know who it was. 
Now for this month's calendar.
I talked about Children's Week last post.
Another month of not going down to the Darkmoon Faire and fishing up my fish heads came and went. I miss my fish heads, but I was so busy with other stuff, I know I'd be down there just wasting time fishing. 
Northrend Dragon riding was here for 2 weeks. I finished doing all the races, BUT of course I didn't shoot for gold. Just focused on getting the achievement for the completion of the normal, advanced and reverse races. 
The other little event that happened this month was the Spring Balloon Festival. It's just an event where around Azeroth there was red X's on the map and at those locations were Goblin hot air balloons.
You talk to the goblins next to the balloons and they say that they're waiting for more people in order for you to take a ride. Apparently, 3 people are needed in order for you to ride on these balloons. Thats such crap! I was so sad. Who the heck would come with me just to ride a stupid balloon. I didn't ask anyone, but I really wanted to ride a balloon around The Broken Isles. The Event ended yesterday, and I didn't get my chance. Yet another event that requires more than a solo player to participate in. Sadness.
Ok soooo with all my grinding for my Shadowlands Meta Achievement I'm gonna have to slow down on it for a little bit... Because!!!!! Panda remix is coming out this week!!!! So exciting! levelling all over again. which you know I just love doing! and currency to get all the MoP things that I missed, or still trying to grind for rather. I know I can just buy stuff with the currency BUT if I get lucky and get them now and not have to buy them then great! even better. Truth and I told each other that we'll only level our Remix toons with each other. But I don't know if that will be good. I work Thursday and Friday at the office so am I gonna expect him not to play Panda? hmmm... idk.
Alright and this month's trading post... I don't like it because there's too much things I want and I don't have enough tender to buy them all, shocker right. I bought the Blazing Hippogryph cuz duh! it's a TCG mount but now I'm stuck deciding between other stuff.
I want the black gloves, the purple crown, the sunflower staff, and Pokee the pet. 
Then there's the Amber Skitterfly mount. Ugh! I want it but I already don't have enough tender for it. And the follow is me trying to make myself feel better for not getting it....
Well this looks like a Skitterfly that I already have. The Bestowed Sandskimmer is just on the more yellow side with blue wings. See I don't need the one from the trading post, right... right?
UGH NO! I need it waaaaahhhhh!!!!!!

When I was looking through my other bug mounts, I saw the one I got from the Nat Pagle fishing coins from my Garrison. The Crimson Water Strider looks sooo friggen cool and creepy with the glowing red eyes. When I bought it, I never got on this thing, and I don't know why I didn't notice how it looked like before. I just thought it was a red water bug mount.
Oh yeah and going back to the trading post, the monthly goal completion item is a butterfly wing back mog. Super cute, I can see guys not really digging this month's items as a whole with all the flowery shit, But hey! Blizz has to appeal to both genders right. 
I saw a couple cry baby boys in trade bitching about the items on the Traders Post this month. Personally I would LOVE for shit on the Post to be stuff I don't wanna buy. That would save me a bunch of friggen tender for the next month. But Noooooo, I'm greedy and I love everything (well most things) and I needs it ALL!
Starting May 16th Twitch drop is a pet. Crappy that I already have this.
Eye of the Legion
BUT! I'm kinda glad that I don't have to watch 4 hours of a stream. I know it's really not that hard to do, just open up a stream on my other monitor, mute it and not watch it. But it just gives me one more thing I DON'T have to do this month. Why does it have to be a pet that I already have... Boo!
And finally...
Oh how Islefin Dorado auction house prices have dropped. I remember farm fishing for this thing when they were selling for over 100g a pop. Even farmed for it when it was selling for 40g. now they're less then 1g geez. At least the Prismatic leaper prices didn't drop much. But what the heck am I talking about, I haven't even been fishing for anything lately anyways.
Alright I think I'm done with this one. I'm pretty sure I remembered everything... sure sure sure, I'll keep telling myself that. And then like usually remember about other stuff after I post it.
OK, OK Bye!!!

Random stuff

This one might be all over the place.
I uploaded screenies at the end of last month and I'm too lazy get new ones.  
Cripes, now that I think about it, I should have grabbed a new calendar at least. This is friggen last month's calendar as you can see. But I think I just wanted to talk about children's week and the Northrend Dragon riding Cup for the calendar.
So Children's week is another holiday event I don't think I did every year because I didn't think there was anything new. Now because of my Pet collecting trip recently, I did look up how to get ones that I was missing and I did find that 4 came from Children's week. WTF? I thought I did all those.... nope! I was missing the ones I get from BfA. So I took 4 toons and did the quest and got them all. 

Speaking of pets. This pet is probably the most expensive pet I've seen so far in this game. It costs 10,000 Pet Charms and you can buy him from a vendor in Oribos. and my last scan at the time got him selling at just under 200k. It is a really pretty pet. But I am not about to spend all that pet charms or gold for it. Besides, when I look at pet battle help on WoWHead, I don't believe I've ever seen someone post that they used this pet. Sorry Flawless Amethyst baubleworm... I will not be buying you anytime soon, or if ever.

I don't remember if I've talking about the Dragon skin addon, "Manuscript Journal". I love this thing so much! When you hover over the empty ones they tell you where they come from. I haven't been doing the dragonriding world quests for the purses on the regular so I haven't opened this tab up recently, but when I did I saw that I have collected all the Whimsydrake and Grotto Netherwing Drake skins. Woot! I think I also slowed down on the world quests, because I haven't been getting lucky with those lately and everytime I click to open the bags I get sad when I see no manuscripts. :-(
And finally the bane of my WoW existence at the moment is this damn Shadowlands Meta achievement for Zovaal's Soul Eater mount.
The rares in the Maw is not hard, I just need 3 other people to help me summon a rare on the list and then I loot it to get my last piece I need to summon the last rare on the list. BUT! the "Shadowlands Dilettante" is the pain in the ass one! If I had 3 other alts that had the other covenants all maxed, this one would be no problem. But In Shadowlands, I wasn't playing much of my alts. Now I wish I had LOL. This one is an account wide achievement and such a pain in the ass grind that will take me forever especially since I'ma only be doing it on one toon. Ugh, I know I won't be getting that done anytime soon. Definitely not before next expansion... Im so sad! but I'll get over it :-)
ok I'm done with this one...
OK, OK bye!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

End of April update

 Not quite the end of April but figured I'd get one out now cuz yeah, I'ma forget later. Gonna start with the good stuff of course then kinda drift off into the not so good stuff.

FIRST! Yeah! I got the Rasz skin. Long have I been farming this weekly, well since season 1, and a few weeks ago a guildie gave me his drop. I always make it known that I was trying for this for a long time and at the end of our Vault of the Incarnates practice run, a guildie whispers me saying that I'd get more out of this mount then he would. I was sooooo happy I was speechless a little while after and sooo greatful. YAY!!!!!

My next mount I was given was Midnight from Karazhan. Quantum Corsair drop from Rise. Shifty doesn't care about mounts so he gave it to me, but when I opened it and he saw what it was, LOL he was like wtf! that mount is so cool. I'm sure he regretted his decision to give it to me BUT! too late!
Actually I'm pretty positive if he opened it, it would have been something else cuz he doesn't have a lot of mounts so the available options for him is a whole lot more than mine. I really should go and farm this on Heroic just for a chance for the quantum mount drop. 

This month saw the Noblegarden event. So I'm really not too sure when they added a bunch of the mog, pets and toys, but I was missing like all of them. I only had 2 of the bunny ears, no pets, and none of the transmogs. The duck holiday boss was new I'm pretty sure. It dropped a carpet mount after turning in the daily kill quest and you get it out of the basket reward. I believe I got this to drop for me a couple days shy of the end of this event. I was getting so discouraged, mainly cuz I was not running this on my alts until a few days before that. So I was kicking myself for not taking advantage of that part. I was seeing this drop for everyone so I thought it was a sure bet, I'd just get it on my main. It actually dropped for Babyskully. Thank goodness! cuz I was gonna be super sad panda. At the end of the event, I got all the items! So happy panda I was.
This month's Trading post was not great in my opinion. I mean the Shark hat YES! I needed that as soon as I saw it. It's hilarious, I love it! But the rest was super meh. I bought 3 things only. The shark hat, turtle mount, and the purple sarong. I'm not a huge fan of the shoulder wraps. I don't know why. I think the fact that it does not sit flush on my undead shoulders has a lot to do with it. I wanna like it, but I just don't so I don't waste my tender on these garbage shoulders. j/k it's not garbage, its just junk. ;-P  
I already had the pirate ship from before, and I'm not a huge fan of the spring and pirate outfits. At the end of my purchases I've managed to hold onto 250 tender that I'll take to next month.
I did a craft and I was Bro the other day! made me laugh. I love these.
Alright so along with this being a fun April full of new things I got, achievements completed, and Season 4 coming out It also kinda ended with a slight reality check for me. When someone points out that I might be doing things because I like the attention really slapped me in the face. Not in a bad way really, it was just an eye opener. Like, I never play this game for attention let's just get that out there right now. I'm nice to everyone and might use too much /hug /love emotes.  It made me think, because although I might not be doing it intentionally, am I doing it for the attention subconsciously? if there's some part of me that is, I fuckin hate it and I'm gonna try to put a stop to that real quick. In the past, putting myself in my antisocial hole is really easy, I have no issues doing it. I cut everything off until I feel better. Because I play with other people now, do I really have that in me to do that again? I don't think I can completely cut off being social, but I can at least dial it back. Lay low and mind my own business. It just sparked my depression again and made me realize I need to focus on me and if that means cutting back on WoW for a bit, then I will. At least the social aspect of it. Just to prove to myself that I play this game for me and not because I crave the attention. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

YAY!!!!! Taivan!

Taivan!!!! you are mine now!!!! YAY!!!!!!
My Dragonflight grind for him is now done. I had huge help with some of these, and I know I would have gotten it done on my own, but the help made it so much faster. Truth and Potato keeping an eye on the Elemental Storms for me when I wasn't ingame was huge. I was sitting on the very last Thaldraszus Firestorm for about 2 days, waiting patiently(kinda) as I seen the same storms cycle over and over with no Fire in sight. And FINALLY last week Wednesday the right storm blew in. And I booked it there so fast, well I did run out of Dragon juice, but Invincible carried me the rest of the way up to Tyr Hold. Joined a farming group and started my slaughter. 
I was sooo happy and excited to ride on my new puppy. Like I mentioned in the previous post, I do know he is smaller then intended, so I wasn't surprised to see him the same size as any other normal mount.
BUT! It's only temporary, and I'm ok with that. Just means I have to make sure I take care of him and feed him so he can grow big and strong. Right now, he's just a puppy. I have to keep taking him out and feeding him all my enemies that I kill.
Well now, what shall I work on next?
I came across this one unintentionally. I was looking for cool mounts and found Zovaal's Soul Eater. Where the F does this come from?!?!?! by the looks of it, it must be from Shadowlands.
Ahhhh Fuck My Life! another meta achievement?!??!
You know what, I really wouldn't mind it if I had more progress on this. But I have so much more to do. /cry. I will not be getting this one as fast as I did Taivan. I'm gonna shoot for completion before the next Expansion lol. I did notice I have a hard time trying to get multiple achievements at the same time. I pick one, do it and then move onto the next. Completely not productive in my progress, but oh wells. That's how I roll. 
I've been trying to work on Torghast stuff right now, I just finished the Flawless 16 achieve and unlocking all the tree things from the little box. I'm still not done in there tho.
However! with the season 4 just coming out today this might be put off for a lot longer then I planned. But on the other hand, I've been really just wanting to play by myself lately. Not feeling like playing with people. In another of my moods again I guess but oh wells. I'm sure my happy face will be put on again and I'll be fine.
Alright, now to end this, here are two other mounts I got along with Taivan. A pink Salamanther! so cute! his head looks an axolotl and being pink he more so looks like one then the other colors, I've always wanted one in RL! Now I have one ingame YAY!!
And the other is a Bruffalon, I got from doing all the Elemental Storms. He is the size Taivan should be. He's huge! his /mountspecial is super cute. He jumps up a couple times and bucks like he's super happy. I'll just pretend he's happy because he now belongs to MEEEEEEE!!!!!
Alrightee I'm done...
ok... ok bye!