Yeah, this won't be a WoW post, as I have not been playing much of it this past week. Been playing more Satisfactory and readin'. I know, me reading? whaaat? Bought a little Kindle 11 gen. It's super small and cute. I have sooo much kindle books I never read and a bunch that my sister sent me I figured it would be a good time to get in some reading.
But first! Let me talk about what I have been doing in SATISFACTORY!!!!
As of right now, I'm super into making blueprints. I'll pretty much just explain my blueprints with the screenshots I took.
Since I already beat the game (Sending off the last Space Elevator phase) I can just build shit and not have to worry about making specific items. Alrightee here goes...
First pic... Single item factory with back to back double storage bins and a dimensional depot with the option for a drone port.
It has 3 smelters and 3 constructors.
I made the dimensional depot feed exposed just for aesthetics and to see if that item is maxed in the depot. I did not fully enclose this as half way through I was thinking that it might be something that I wanna add to another product factory. I have yet to use this blueprint.
Next is another one I have yet to actually use. I completed a basic 3m road loop around the world just hours before I decided to make this blueprint. Of course I took ideas from other people's blueprints with the train track, road and hypertube BUT a lot of them were too hightech for me. Ok so yeah I only made a straight segment. That's not gonna get me that far eh. I love my pink lights but it uses a shit lot of quartz crystals, fml! It uses everything in the dimensional depot so I'd have to carry a crap ton on me...
same thing with the previous blueprint... I have yet to actually use this one. but it's sooo pretty, I even set the street light to purple. ugh!!!

This double Drone Port is pretty sweet. everything is loaded and unloaded from the bottom. Both ports are hooked up for incoming and outgoing feeds with storage bins. Fuel can be fed into one bin and split to both ports. It's fully enclosed with metal walls, but I was debating on making it regular factory walls so I could color it all pink and blue. Well at least I made the railings pink with black accents. I remembered what happened with the previous one so I decided against lighting the fuck outta this one. But let's be honest, I was so close to trimming the shit outta this with pink lights HA!
This next one is my pride and joy...
a Bio Factory!
In feeding: water, plastic, bio material
My first bio factory I got as a blueprint when I started playing this game. Back when we had color cartridges from flowers we got when we picked plants and such. I seriously needed an updated one. Nothing I found on the Satisfactory Calculator website satisfied me. So what do you do when you can't find what you want... obviously you don't cry, but you make your own.
It took me about an hour to make this... maybe longer cuz I did go afk for a little bit and I did make some finishing touches with signs and green lights and floor patterns.
All in all I'm completely happy with the end result.

6 x 6, and maybe 1segment from the max height in the blueprint maker thingy.
I initially wanted to make the bio fuel refinery on the 3rd floor but I was over the max height so I had to put it on the 2nd floor. So it's peaking up to the 3rd floor.
I have 3 tanks for spare Bio fuel. When I need more packaged fuel, I'll just bring my building some plastic for the empty packages that they will fill.
Speaking of Bio Fuel... I never thought Bio Fuel was even remotely useful until I saw a video on YouTube. Might have been Kibits...
Bio Fuel does not get the initial boost, BUT it lasts so fuckin long. I can go so far with my jet pack on bio fuel. I use it over rocket fuel.
This factory is so beautiful.
I have cat walks above the machines, factory ceiling lights, everything is colored, the outside walls aren't just one big boring ass square block. Glass walls even are different. Concrete walls are colored with a tinge of green and the roof glass are different angle degrees to look like I'm allowing the factory some machine exhaust relief. Ugh! so beauts!
Outside awning above the pick-up/deposit area was not part of the blueprint, as well as the signs and lights. Sadly they could not be added to the blueprint because they were on the boarder of the blueprint maker, poops. BUT, I added them after placing the blueprint nonetheless and they look spectacular if I do say so myself.
Plastic manual feeding for the packaging for the fuel. Wood, leaves and mycelia for the solid biofuel. Slugs for the power shards, and alien meat for the alien capsules. I made another factory that had the meat into biomass for the solid bio fuel BUT I don't have this being done in this factory... I'll explain why in a little bit.
Everything in this factory is being slooped. Including the liquid biofuel.
With my 3 reserve tanks I don't mind having them in the waiting for when I need them to be packaged. I won't ever have an auto feeding of plastic as I only have one double bin for the Bio fuel and I only use it for my jetpack, so I don't need a crap ton of it.
NOW lets get into the "slooping stuff". Power shards and Alien Capsules to be specific...
I watched a video several weeks ago (before the patch update mind you) and I learned how to "dup" things. WTF!!!!??? this was the best thing EVAAAAAR!!!!!! I duped so much things. I was so happy! I had the chance to have power shards, tickets and hard drives up the ass!!!! this was an amazing glitch exploit!!! I wish I had known of sooner! I slowed down on "duping" because I was told I was being a cheater, and that didn't really sit well with me. So I stopped duping. Besides, I really thought this was not gonna be taken away as this is a single player game (with the occasional multiplayer option if you have friends) BUT come the update... you guessed it, this glitch was fixed. No more "duping". I was sad. I went back to my game and opened some boxes and saw I had a bunch of duped hard drives obvi!
So today was the day this happened....
I maxed out on all my hard drive researches.
I've collected all the available alternate recipes I can with 76 hard drives left. Now that I think about it, I could have duped tickets instead of hard drives!
Ugh!!... alright.
Anywhos, A funny story in the alternate recipes, today I was trying the utilize alternate recipes for a little encased industrial beam factory I made, but I was having the roughest fuckin time. I am used to the original recipe and I was fucking up so much trying to do this with alternate recipes. Simple shit. It was embarrassing. made me feel like a fuckin noob that didn't know how to make a fuckin' factory, a single item factory no less.
Alright, my fingers are getting numb right now, so I'll wind this down now... last thing to talk about. Since I've been so focused on my blueprints I completely forgot that my nuclear power factory is NOT at all self-sufficient. So I went to check on it and fuck... my.... fuckin.... life!...
It was fucked!!!
Everything was backed up. WHY?!?!?!?
Two major things happened, My nuclear rod production was halted because my encased industrial beam bin was empty. UGH!
So EVERYTHING! was backed up.
My nuclear waste was backed up all the way to the "I'll deal with it later" bins. That' s when you KNOW this is bad shit happening.
Game face is on, we need to act fast!

Why did this happen?!?!?!?!?
I realized that 2 things actually happened.
Along with the encased beam stoppage, the residual water also backed up from the "getting rid of the waste" production. FML!!!
Alright, Solution for this one...
Wet concrete! I saw on a video that wet concrete alternate recipe was a good way for getting rid of residual water issues.. and fricken' shit! that's my issue! So let's get fuckin to it man!!!!
I have 5 big water bins and this still gets full hella fast. So solution, I put a drone port that brings in limestone to make Wet concrete with the residual water. So now I'm making wet concrete, and sinking it. I don't feel comfortable on having it feed into the machines that require concrete as this is not very self reliable yet either. when something with the waste management stops the water stops which will result in the water stoppage, so this is my issue, meh, anyways ways, I'm super trying hard to type but I'm finding it getting more difficult soooooooo I'll end it here.
Thank you spell check. I've been drinking. My best writings come when I'm drunk/tipsy.
Might be because I need to feel accomplished when I'm feeling like a piece of shit. I'm kidding, I think it's just that when I drink, I do my best thinking. I feel more focused on the useless things. Making my blog entries is very useless, I know this. But I have nothing and no one to tell me any different. I just listen to my music, and type my little black heart away.